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Polish and Increase Natural Skin Glow 

Chemical peels are topical acidic solutions that are applied to the skin for a controlled period of time, to cause peeling of one or more layers. The regenerated skin can look and feel smoother and less wrinkled, resulting in a fresh appearance. This treatment may be suitable for conditions such as sun-damage, pigmentation, acne scarring and also as an effective anti-ageing treatment.


What is involved in a chemical peel treatment?

After consultation to assess suitability of your skin, your face will be cleansed, peeled and moisturised to finish. Typically the peel is only applied for few minutes and you can return to normal activities afterwards. There may be some redness of the skin and aftercare will need to be adhered to including the use of a suitable sunscreen. These details will be discussed with you on consultation.


What types of peels are used?

We offer various mild to moderate strength peels, with different combinations of active acidic ingredients. Rather than using intense formulas, we believe that in combination with a good quality cosmeceutical skincare routine, we can achieve best results and bring out your natural glow with effective yet gentle peeling formulas. This reduces downtime and risk of side effects post procedure.  


Are there any reasons why I can’t have a chemical peel?

Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to conceive should not undertake a chemical peel procedure. Nor is it recommended in people with certain medical conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes, some autoimmune disorders, or recent laser surgery. Recent use of oral prescription retinoid for acne treatment and abrasive skin treatments may also be contraindicated. Your practitioner will discuss your current and past medical history with you to determine your suitability.


Superficial Peels

Removes the outer layer of skin only (epidermis) Tailored to target acne, ageing, pigmentation or dry skin.

Below pricing is a base price only and some clinics charge a higher price for this service.

1 treatment
x3 prepaid

Photodynamic Therapy for Acitinic Keratosis

$550 (Medicare rebate may be available). 60 minutes.


Cosmopeel Forte Depigmenting and Resurfacing

$550 for 1 area (face/neck/declotage). Includes De-Pigmentation Kit + 2 x LED Treatments. 40 minutes.

$150 for spot treatment.


Cosmelan Melasma Treatment

$1200. Includes Home Essential Kit + 3 x LED Treatments. 40 minutes.

Gallery of Cosmopeel Forte

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Cosmopeel Forte Pigmentation and Rejuvenation Treatment 6 week results.

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Cosmopeel Forte Skin Rejuvenation and Collagen Treatment. 6 week results.

Warning: Individual results may vary. All invasive procedures carry risks which need to be discussed with your doctor. It is always recommended to also seek a second opinion from a qualified health practitioner.

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