After assessment of the dynamics of your facial expressions, explore interventions to manage the formation and visibility of wrinkles and fine lines. This service will focus on enhancement of your current look and ageing process, while also aiming for realistic results that respect your individuality.
What are the common focus areas of wrinkle reduction?
Forehead: Horizontal lines run across the forehead due to elevation of the eyebrows and ageing of the skin.
Peri-Orbital Lines: The thinner skin around the eyes can result in visible effects of laughter often known as smile lines or crows feet.
Frown Lines: The area between the eyebrows can harbour deep set lines from years of incidental frowning, resulting in a permanent worried expression.
Lower Face: Various fine lines in the lower face can be addressed, including chin dimpling and downturned mouth corners.
What happens at a wrinkle reduction consult?
As with all of our anti-ageing services, a comprehensive health and cosmetic assessment is taken to understand your needs, concerns and motivations. You will be educated about your options and informed consent is taken before any treatment occurs. A bespoke treatment plan is agreed upon between you and your treating doctor or nurse (who will consult a doctor). Treatment options vary between individuals with suitability assessed on a case-by-case basis.
How long is this appointment?
Your initial consultation may take up to 30 minutes. This is to allow time for the consultation, treatment planning and consent. You may require a follow-up appointment 2 weeks post treatment which will only take 10 minutes.
Subsequent appointments with the same practitioner can be as short as 10-15 minutes, depending on your needs.
How does wrinkle reduction differ from other anti-ageing services?
This service mainly focuses on reduction and prevention of the appearance of wrinkles from the dynamic facial lines caused by muscle movement, as opposed to services focussed on volume loss or altering facial contours. This service may also have use for assist reduction of teeth grind and excessive sweating.
Due to restrictions on advertising pricing and specific information for anti-ageing services, we welcome you to have all your questions answered and obtain a realistic quote in consultation with our medical staff. These consultations are either complementary or require a deposit that can be used towards treatment. Our customer service team would be happy to assist you to book this.